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1013 8th Avenue
Seattle, WA, 98104
United States


The mission of Seattle Presbytery is to participate, in word and deed, in God’s transforming work through the Gospel of Jesus Christ: †by strengthening the witness and mission of our congregations and members and by building strong partnerships with each other and the larger Christian community.

January 20 SeaPres Update from Scott Lumsden

January 20 SeaPres Update from Scott Lumsden

Seattle Presbytery

Dear Friends, 

John the Baptist looms large early in the gospels as one who prepares the way for Jesus. In the gospel of John, John the Baptist calls out Jesus as the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world to anyone who would hear; and then the next day points him out again to his disciples, two of whom leave John to follow Jesus (Jn 1:29, 37).

We all need people in our lives to help us find our way. Whether we are contemplating a new direction in life, are at a pivotal moment in our careers, or are just in need of a little guidance; we are blessed when faithful point out the deeper realities of things that we can only see in part. 

One of the deeper realities about "post" covid church life appears to be that our finances (though they sustained us through in the crisis of covid), are now a bit less reliable. In the past few months, I've talked with many pastors who are relaying serious budget challenges for 2023. Add to that a budget deficit from 2022, and there you have it, the financial pinch we all knew would arrive eventually. 

The Executive Board has been mindful of these challenges for some time and has recently created a $5,000 Economic Relief Grant for churches experiencing a budget deficit in 2022 or who are projecting a budget shortfall in 2023. (Please contact EJ for more information). It has also approved a three (3) month waiver of per capita for the third year in a row and has kept per capita at $40 for the 14th year in a row (with inflation it would be $55). 

The Executive Board and staff are always looking for ways to assist our churches in their mission, so if there are other ways we can be supportive please reach out. 


Rev. Scott Lumsden
Co-Executive Presbyter