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1013 8th Avenue
Seattle, WA, 98104
United States


The mission of Seattle Presbytery is to participate, in word and deed, in God’s transforming work through the Gospel of Jesus Christ: †by strengthening the witness and mission of our congregations and members and by building strong partnerships with each other and the larger Christian community.

Crescendo concert recording available

Seattle Presbytery

From Northminster PC:

You’re invited to view a recording of a concert Northminster hosted last Saturday with the Presbytery. It was put on by Crescendo, which is an international group of musicians of faith. This concert featured music and readings with the theme of communion and used the music of 19th century Spanish composer, Hilarión Eslava. He was a priest who wrote a lot of worship pieces that were hugely popular in churches in his day and some are still performed on Holy Days in Spain. He is the ancestor of one of our elders, Antonio Rufin. Eslava’s work included producing three popular operas, but these works brought the condemnation of the church, so he was forbidden from writing further pieces and his music largely disappeared until Antonio uncovered it while doing family research during a trip to Spain. In the years since, he and his wife Becky have been working to bring his music into the 21st century and make if available for musicians and choirs. This concert is the first time his worship pieces have been performed in the United States.

We recorded the concert and it is now available on NPC’s YouTube channel: