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1013 8th Avenue
Seattle, WA, 98104
United States


The mission of Seattle Presbytery is to participate, in word and deed, in God’s transforming work through the Gospel of Jesus Christ: †by strengthening the witness and mission of our congregations and members and by building strong partnerships with each other and the larger Christian community.



For Information:


These amendments to the Book of Order and the agreement were approved by the 226th General Assembly (2024)  and recommended to the presbyteries for their vote.

Link: Proposed Amendments to the Constitution (English, Korean, Spanish documents)

executive board

Recommendations to Presbytery:

  1. MOTION FROM EXECUTIVE BOARD - 2025 Per Capita & Budgets: Approve the 2025 Seattle Presbytery budget as recommended by the Property & Finance Committee. The recommended budget includes recommended per capita contributions by churches in the amount of $35; an SSA based on COLA recommendation of 2.5% for Presbytery staff; and 2025 housing allowances (for clergy staff) in the following amounts: Rev. Scott Lumsden ($45,000); Rev. Eliana Maxim ($35,000); Rev. Tali Hairston ($37,000); Rev. Maggie Breen ($24,000).
    Link: 2025 Seattle Presbytery Budget.

Authorized Delegated Actions Reported to the Presbytery:

The Executive Board operates as an Administrative Commission of the presbytery.  Its full minutes, which are available here (online only), constitute the minutes of the Directors of the Corporation.  Delegated actions only, taken on behalf of the presbytery according to the bylaws, are reported here.  For more information regarding these actions, please consult the full minutes.

  1. A draft version of the Presbytery’s Child and Vulnerable Adult Protection Policy will be reviewed by legal counsel and presented at an upcoming presbytery meeting. 

  2. Approved formation of an Immigration Rights Committee, with a budget of $25,000 for 2025, with authority to request dispersal of said budget funds for items of work up to $5,000 per item with approval from the Executive Presbyters prior to disbursal, and for items requiring funds above $5,000 to make the request for approval to the Executive Board.

  3. Approved a Rolling Bay PC capital improvement grant request in the amount of $13,382.50 for their fellowship hall remodeling project.

  4. Approved a Redmond PC capital improvement grant request in the amount of $20,000 for a roof project.

  5. Approved a recommendation from Property & Finance to move the Presbytery’s bank and credit card accounts from Banner Bank to Bank of America, and approved the proposed signatories for the new accounts: Rev. Eliana Maxim, Co-Executive Presbyter (Presbytery of Seattle), Rev. Scott Lumsden, Co-Executive Presbyter (Presbytery of Seattle), DeAmber Clopton, Finance Director (Presbytery of Seattle), Eunjoo Lee, Manager of Operations (Presbytery of Seattle), to also be named on the Seattle Presbytery credit card account.


On February 4 of this year, 30 members of Seattle Presbytery representing 10 different churches will arrive in Barranquilla, Colombia as part of this presbytery’s annual partnership trip. This is the largest group to date, and it is fitting as this year, Seattle Presbytery and the Presbiterio de la Costa Norte celebrate 10 years of missional “hermanamiento” (siblinghood).

With a decolonized missional partnership that is based on mutuality, the two presbyteries will embark on a week of learning together, worshiping together, and getting to know one another better through recreation, meals, and cultural opportunities. 

The Presbyterian Church of Colombia, although quite small in the country, plays a disproportionately large role in the work of peace, justice, and reconciliation in a country that has endured a 50 plus year civil war and one of the world’s highest rate of femicide.

Our Seattle travelers welcome your prayers as they represent our presbytery and its congregations as they participate in connectional ministry and public witness to the Gospel.

2025 Colombia Trip Participants

Lynne Snyder (Calvary) Cathy Stanfield (Calvary) Maggie Breen (Calvary)

Rachel Morris (John Knox)             Sandra Aguila (Lake Burien) Anna Kalepo (Lake Burien)

Josiah Kalepo (Lake Burien)          Naomi Kalepo (Lake Burien) Crystal Hairston (Lake Burien)

Lina Thompson (Lake Burien)        Linda Ott (Magnolia) Alex Maxim (Mercer Island)

Lindsay Murphy (Mercer Island)    Eric Elefson (Mercer Island) Cindy Coleman (Overlake Park)

Nalena Joseph (Overlake Park)     Joseph Ramesh (Overlake Park) Sharon Joseph (Overlake Park)

Angelina Joseph (Overlake Park)    Nancy Devine (Overlake Park) Phil Lewis (Union)          

Becca Notkin (Union) Renee Notkin (Union) Haley Ballast (Wallingford)              

Dustin Wilsor (Northminster)     Joe Sheeran (Woodland Park) April Benson (Woodland Park) 

Tali Hairston (Presbytery staff)           Eliana Maxim (Presbytery staff) HT Lee (Overlake Park)


Authorized Delegated Actions Reported to the Presbytery:

  1. Approved a continuing education grant request for a Life Path Experience Course in the amount of $2,750 to Rev. Austin Ashenbrenner, Redmond PC.

  2. Granted Rev. Donna Wilson retired status, effective October 31, 2024.

  3. Approved Southminster’s PC’s Ministry Discernment Profile. 

  4. Approved the call of Rev. Paul Kim as Head of Staff pastor at Seattle Community Church according to the following terms: $55,000 cash salary, $40,000 housing allowance, $7,500 (estimated SECA), $1,200 study leave, $2,000 professional expense, full Board of Pensions benefits including dental (member & family), 4 weeks vacation, 2 weeks study leave.

  5. Approved a matching grant up to $3,500 for healthcare emergency assistance in partnership with the Board of Pensions for a minister member of Seattle Presbytery. 

  6. While affirming the validity of Rev. Curl-Dove’s work at Washington Conservation Action, COM did not find that it meets the requirements of validated ministry under the Book of Order. A COM member will continue to work with Rev. Curl-Dove if he chooses to proceed with other validated ministry or other requests relating to participation in Seattle Presbytery.

  7. Approved the appointment of the University PC administrative commission to work on possible property transactions. The Stated Clerk worked with the Presbytery Moderator, Eyde Kinsbrook, and on November 20, 2024, she appointed the following to serve pending opportunity for COM to comment/object: Bob Wallace (RE, Bellevue), Bill Longbrake (RE, Seattle First), and Leslie Ferrell (RE, Mercer Island). A teaching elder (TBD) will also be asked to serve on the AC. 

  8. Approved St. Andrew PC session’s request to renew the Temporary Associate Pastor position for Rev. Juile Kae Sigars.

  9. Approved the call of Rev. Chelsea Chiu as Head of Staff pastor (3-year term) at First Taiwanese Church of Seattle according to the following terms: $62,000 (cash & housing salary), mileage & travel expenses reimbursement up to $3,600 annually, $500 professional/study expense, $6,000 one-time moving expense reimbursement, 4 weeks vacation, 2 weeks study leave, full Board of Pensions benefits including dental (member & family). Presbytery staff will work with the session to seek an R-1 visa for Rev. Chiu.

  10. In December 2024, COM concurred with the vote of the Southminster PC congregation on December 1, 2024, to dissolve the pastoral relationship with Rev. Aaron Willett, effective January 31, 2025, with three months of severance pay.

  11. Received Rev. Eyde Kinsbrook’s resignation on December 8, 2024 as Transitional Pastor at Southminster PC.

  12. In January 2025, COM approved an amended contract for Southminster PC’s Associate Pastor through April 1, 2025 with a mutually agreed upon severance agreement. 

  13. Approved the same minimum recommended salary in 2025 as for 2024, with a 2.5% increase for cost of living ($71,504). 

  14. Requested that the Rainier Beach PC session provide: (1.)  a copy of updated financials and (2.) a copy of their new policy relating to the nursery school, with session minutes to support their work by the February COM meeting.

  15. Approved the request to extend the Temporary Associate Pastor position between Overlake Park Presbyterian Church session and Rev. Tasha Hicks McCray, and the terms of compensation, as submitted to COM.

For Information:

  1. A COM sub group is working with Rev. Jake Medcalf to create a Commissioned Ruling Elder program for the Presbytery. 

  2. Thank you CRE Crystal Hairston & Rev. Dr. Susie Beil for your faithful service on COM!

commission on preparation for ministrY (updated jan. 16)

Authorized Delegated Actions Reported to the Presbytery:

Removed from preparation covenant relationship (G-2.0601), after meeting with inquirer:

Richard Crummett, December 2, 2024

For Information: 

  1. Link: Approved amended pastoral internship guidelines and criteria document.

  2. Thank you RE Einer Handeland for your faithful service on CPM!

STATED CLERK (updated jan. 16)

Administrative Commissions: The following are currently active administrative commissions.

Lake City Presbyterian Church Administrative Commission. The AC appointed by the Presbytery Moderator on July 6, 2023, is continuing its work wrapping up the corporate entity. The AC is composed of: Dustin Wilsor (RE Woodland Park), Leslie Ferrell (RE Mercer Island), and Aaron Willett (TE Southminster).

Inglewood Presbyterian Church Administrative Commission. The AC appointed by the Presbytery Moderator on August 21, 2023, is continuing its work wrapping up the corporate entity. The AC is composed of Pattie Holt (RE St. Andrew), Ben McConaughy (RE Mercer Island), and Rev. Scott Anderson (TE St. Andrew).

Union Church Administrative Commission. At the request of the Executive Board and Union Church, on June 21, 2022, the Presbytery appointed a Property Redevelopment Administrative Commission to work with Union Church University Presbyterian Church on property redevelopment matters. The AC is composed of: Bill Longbrake (RE), Bob Wallace (RE), Scott Lumsden (TE), and Becki Barrett (TE).

University Presbyterian Church Administrative Commission. At the request of the Commission on Ministry and University Presbyterian Church, on November 18, 2024, the Presbytery Moderator appointed a Property Redevelopment administrative Commission, to work with University Presbyterian Church on property redevelopment matters. The AC is composed of: Bob Wallace (RE); Bill Longbrake (RE); and Leslie Ferrell (RE).

Disciplinary/Remedial Matters: A Remedial Complaint was filed on May 17, 2024. The PJC Officers’ reviewed submissions from both sides and issued a Modified Preliminary Ruling on July 14, 2024, dismissing the Complaint. This ruling was challenged, and the full Permanent Judicial Commission held a hearing on October 23, 2024, to entertain the challenge. After reviewing written submissions and hearing statements from both sides the full PJC upheld the Modified Preliminary Ruling and dismissed the Complaint. The matter is now closed. 

Child, Youth, and Vulnerable Adult Task Force Update: The Task Force is composed of Rev. Erin McArdle, Rev. Jeny Carlson, and Rev. Colin Robeson. Staff support provided by the Stated Clerk. The Task Force submitted a draft for review by the Executive Board, which was favorably received. The next step is having legal counsel review the draft, so that it can be approved (See, G-3.0106).

Installations/Ordinations: Rev. Jake Medcalf was installed at Sammamish Presbyterian Church on December 1, 2024. The members of the Ordination Commission were: Rev. Eyde Kinsbrook (Presbytery Moderator); Rev. Kelly Hostetler (Sammamish PC); Alexa Meissner (RE Sammamish PC); and Nancy Schuldt (RE Sammamish PC).

End-of Year Reporting: Clerks of Session had a Zoom meeting on February, January 10, 2025, to discuss matters relating to end-of-year reporting. Thank you to the clerks who have submitted their 2024 session and congregational meeting minutes to this office for review and approval pursuant to G-3.0108. It is now time for churches to submit their 2024 Statistical Reports to the OGA, which are due by February 7, 2025. See the Stated Clerk’s page on the presbytery’s website for more information.


On October 31, 2024, representatives of the Seattle Presbytery, Northwest Coast Presbytery, and the Office of the General Assembly met and reached a preliminary agreement to resolve the ongoing boundary infringement by NWCP. More information will be provided as the process evolves.