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1013 8th Avenue
Seattle, WA, 98104
United States


The mission of Seattle Presbytery is to participate, in word and deed, in God’s transforming work through the Gospel of Jesus Christ: †by strengthening the witness and mission of our congregations and members and by building strong partnerships with each other and the larger Christian community.

August SeaPres Update from Eliana Maxim

August SeaPres Update from Eliana Maxim

Seattle Presbytery

Dear friends, 

On these long sunny days of summer, filled with activities, trips, and events, it’s easy to forget that it takes a mighty big village to lead the presbytery. Although staff may have the visibility, there are dozens of faithful teaching and ruling elders from all our churches serving in a variety of ways to get the work done of being the PC(U.S.A) expression in our region. I know I speak for my staff colleagues as well as myself, when I say that we are eternally grateful for all those who give of their time and talents to serve on the various leadership bodies, including the Executive Board, the Commission on Ministry, the Commission on Preparation for Ministry, and many others.   

Our foundational documents, including the questions we respond to at ordination of either ruling elders or ministers of word and sacrament, call us to service to the broader church and its different councils. I hope you will consider how you might feel called to submit your name to serve the presbytery. Election on the final slate of nominees will take place at the October 17 presbytery meeting. For more information, please contact the presbytery’s nominating committee

At that time, we will also be electing commissioners (teaching and ruling elders) and Youth Advisory Delegates to represent Seattle Presbytery at the 226th General Assembly in Salt Lake City on June 25 – July 4, 2024. For more information, please check our website

Finally, I will be going on sabbatical September 1 through the end of the year. I am incredibly grateful to the presbytery’s personnel committee for their support and encouragement and to my wonderful colleagues – Scott, EJ, Paul, Tali, Maggie, Glen, and DeAmber – who assure me I will have a job to come back to.  My sabbatical will include quite a bit of travel, including some bucket list places such as Patmos Island and the Western Sahara. And of course, lots of playtime with the grandkids. 

I look forward to being with you all soon! 

In grace and peace, 

Rev. Eliana Maxim
Co-Executive Presbyter