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Seattle, WA, 98104
United States


The mission of Seattle Presbytery is to participate, in word and deed, in God’s transforming work through the Gospel of Jesus Christ: †by strengthening the witness and mission of our congregations and members and by building strong partnerships with each other and the larger Christian community.

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance: Ukraine Response

Seattle Presbytery

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance

We are grateful for the outpouring of prayers and calls from congregations and individuals asking how they can help.  As the violence continues, the number of people being displaced internally and fleeing to neighboring countries increases by the day.  And in the midst of the chaos, there are sibling churches and ecumenical partners who are already providing assistance with basic items for survival.  Our first priority as PDA is to provide funding to these partners on the ground.  While the scale of this crisis is new, receiving refugees from Ukraine and other countries in Central and Eastern Europe is not which means we have trusted, established partners with the knowledge and expertise to carry out this important work. 

We are hearing that the reformed churches in Ukraine and the region are also feeling called to join in the humanitarian response. PDA, therefore, anticipates that our response will include both financial and technical assistance as the network of faith communities providing humanitarian assistance grows in the months ahead.  

As we pray for an end to this violence, we ask the U.S. Government and our European allies to make a commitment to the Ukrainian people for a peaceful solution.  We don’t know how long it will take, but we know that they will need help with the rebuilding of their country so that those who are fleeing now may one day return home safely. 

Funds are being used for emergency humanitarian aid such as food items, shelter, medicines, diapers, hygiene items, etc. 

To support our response, designate gifts to DR000156 or text PDAUKR to 41444.

Click here to read FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS on our response to Ukraine.

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