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1013 8th Avenue
Seattle, WA, 98104
United States


The mission of Seattle Presbytery is to participate, in word and deed, in God’s transforming work through the Gospel of Jesus Christ: †by strengthening the witness and mission of our congregations and members and by building strong partnerships with each other and the larger Christian community.


To share a job with the presbytery, email us a brief descriptions & a direct link to the full post on your website.

Maternity Leave Supply Pastor - Lakewood PC

Seattle Presbytery


Maternity Leave Supply Pastor

Lakewood Presbyterian Church; Lakewood, WA


About Lakewood Presbyterian Church:  Lakewood Presbyterian Church is a small but vibrant congregation. To our knowledge, we are the only Open and Affirming congregation in Lakewood. An average Sunday service includes 20-50 attendees, including up to 10 children. We have a fully staffed nursery for children 0-4 years old. Sunday worship is the heart of the congregational life of LPC, including the robust coffee hour afterward. Most of the members have been a part of LPC for a decade or more and there are many multi-generational families. The leadership of LPC includes a 6 member Session and a 5 member Deacon board. The church has a Free Little Pantry that is co-maintained and supplied in partnership with Lakewood Rotary. The church is still in transition as Pastor Laura began in August 2023.


General Responsibilities: The congregation and Church Session seek a leader to maintain Sunday worship, do pastoral care, and facilitate the Church Feasibility Study process during the time that Pastor Laura is on leave. Therefore, the maternity leave pastor should focus on the following:


  1. Planning and leading the Sunday worship service, including preaching 3 times per month

  2. Coordinating with Pianist and “Ministry in the Congregation” team on worship planning

  3. Moderating the monthly Session meeting and attending the Deacons meeting

  4. Conducting and coordinating funerals and other pastoral acts, if needed

  5. Being on call for pastoral care requests including visiting sick and shut-in members as needed

  6. Administrative tasks including all-church email updates, website updates, etc.


Schedule: April 1, 2024–July 27, 2024.

Contracts for two, two-month coverage positions will be considered if we cannot find someone for the full duration. Please apply if you are interested in either.

There is a potential to start in March with coverage for Easter Sunday if Pastor Laura’s babies arrive early. If you are interested in on-call coverage for March, please let us know.


This is a part-time position for 20 hours a week for 16 weeks, which includes 3 Sundays per month. There will be one Sunday off per month, which will be covered by pulpit supply. The hours are flexible, outside of worship and monthly Session meetings (4th Sunday of the month, 12-1:30pm). Work from home is possible during the week.

Learn more.