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The mission of Seattle Presbytery is to participate, in word and deed, in God’s transforming work through the Gospel of Jesus Christ: †by strengthening the witness and mission of our congregations and members and by building strong partnerships with each other and the larger Christian community.

July 21 Update from Eliana Maxim

July 21 Update from Eliana Maxim

Seattle Presbytery

Dear friends, 

The past month has been a whirlwind for many in our denomination as the church convened for General Assembly 225, the biannual gathering of the PC(USA). This time, the assembly met over a three-week period; committees in person at the newly renovated Louisville headquarters, and plenaries online through Zoom. Seattle Presbytery was well represented by our commissioners Rev. Lina Thompson, Rev. Eyde Mabanglo, Elder Todd Peterson (Woodland Park), Elder Glen Ferguson (Overlake Park), and Young Adult Advisory Delegate Kate Stoops (Mercer Island). Creative and compelling worship was designed by a team led by Rev. Tasha Hicks-McCray and included Elder Chris Lim (Union Church). Despite planning and executing a different and challenging assembly under uncertain circumstances due to covid impact, the church embarked on courageous discussions and took bold actions in many areas. Below you’ll get a general overview of decisions taken, including affirming women’s autonomy over their bodies in terms of reproduction justice and declaring the PC(USA) a sanctuary church. More information on GA225 decisions from issues on polity to rules of discipline to gender justice and environmental concerns can be found at  Several business items related to changes in the Book of Order will be coming to presbyteries for voting and Seattle Presbytery will take them up at an upcoming presbytery meeting soon. 

Meanwhile back in Seattle Presbytery... Scott embarked on his 3-month sabbatical this week. The staff sent him off with admonishments to stay safe (he’s hiking in the wilderness), take pictures, and not give us a second thought. We pray for his time away; that it be restorative and re-creative.  

The Thriving Congregations Team is busy planning a leadership summit for the end of September and continuing to walk alongside over 20 congregations in the initiative. Several churches are in the midst of pastoral transitions, and the presbytery’s nominating committee is busy at work preparing a slate for the fall presbytery meeting (Oct. 18) when we will elect new members to our leadership bodies. If you are interested in serving at the presbytery level, please contact SeaPres nominating for more information. 

So, despite the warm sunshine and long days, there is much going on in the life of the presbytery and all the congregations. I am grateful for each one of you; for your partnership in seeking God’s will for the presbytery, for your faithfulness to the Gospel, and your commitment to be the church we need to be today, and in this place. 

Grace and peace,

Rev. Eliana Maxim
Co-Executive Presbyter